tisdag 17 april 2012

Varför många ryssar känner sig värdelösa...

Duktiga och erfarna psykologen Marilyn Murray producerar vidare... I dag i MT skriver hon om varför många ryssar känner sig värdelösa. Läs hela artikeln här.

She is a psychologist who works in an orphanage near Moscow. You could hardly hear her voice as she stood in front of the class and described her drawing. She pointed to a small black dot that was almost lost in the corner of a large piece of white paper and said, "I am only a spot, a tiny little spot. I have no worth at all."

For many Russians, one of the most profound unspoken tenets that formed the Soviet system was that human life has no value — except for the lives of the rulers and authorities. "I am nothing" forms a grim legacy inherited from the Soviet Union where multitudes often were repressed, oppressed and sacrificed in whatever manner the leaders deemed appropriate in order to accomplish their goals. It derives not only from that oppressive system, but also from centuries of being subject to autocratic rulers who regularly regarded citizens as property to be used as needed.

For most people raised under the Soviet system, the dogma that an individual has no personal worth is reinforced by "tapes" — internal messages that still play in their heads, rebuking them in endless ways that deny all personal worth. While often not consciously acknowledged, these tapes can still rule their lives.

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