måndag 12 mars 2012

I morgon tisdag kl 12 - Vernissage högst uppe i Ritz Hotel!

Tisdag 13 mars kl 12 - Davina Garrido de Miguel vernissage, O2 Lounge, Ritz Hotel

Vi får en privat visning av duktiga Davina som är konstnär och driver Petrovka Art Studio med konstklasser för både vuxna och barn. Davina bor sedan många år i Moskva och är också utövande duktig konstnärinna. Hon kommer att berätta om sitt måleri och sina år i Moskva för oss över en kopp kaffe högst uppe i O2 loungen på Ritz Hotel. Samling längst upp kl 12. Länk till Davinas egen hemsida med hennes konst. Länk till Petrovka Art Studio.

Adress: Ritz Hotel, Tverskaya Ulitsa 3, Metro: Oxhotny Riad
Anmälan till Anna Gustafson Bril, ordfsweamoskva@gmail.com, 8 916 102 75 31

Välkommen på en intressant vernissage! Läs mer om Davina här:

Davina Garrido De Miguel is an artist who lives and works in Moscow. She was born in London and lived in the UK until she moved to Moscow in 2007. She studied art at Cambridge College of Arts and later received a degree in fine art and a Fellowship in Printmaking at Newcastle University.

Since moving to Moscow she has become inspired by the city itself and in particular 'Muscovites' which is the title of her present series of large scale portraits and smaller sketch works of people on the metro, trolleybus, law courts, bars and cafes. She is influenced by Russian iconography (which she studies with the Prosopon school of Iconography), Russian poster art and children's book illustrations.

She recently exhibited in London, Paris and the European Law Courts in Brussels a series of court room sketches of the trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev.

She has a studio in the centre of Moscow www.petrovka-art-studio.com and has works in private collections both in Europe and Russia.

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