söndag 5 augusti 2012

Ryssar och авосъ...

Marilyn Murray skriver om ryssar och begreppet авосъ (avåås) - ett viktigt begrepp hos många ryssar och som ev kan översättas med 'kanske' - dvs ett levnadssätt där man inte tar något eget större ansvar för vad som kommer att hända utan litar på en högre makt tex staten eller Gud att fixa det man vill åstadkomma.

When I asked her what her plans were for the future she replied, "I am a believer, and for two years I have been praying for God to give me an apartment so I can move." When I asked her what she was doing to enable herself to move, her answer was tinged with irritation, "I told you, I am praying for God to give me an apartment. "
I then asked if she had ever looked into what it would cost to rent a one-room apartment. She quickly responded, "No, I don't want to rent an apartment. I feel I am entitled to own an apartment of my own so I am praying for God to provide that for me."

As the classroom days progressed, she continued to play her "victim violin" about her miserable situation at home. She also expressed her frustration with God for not answering her prayers.
During our lessons, I discussed the importance of balancing our faith in God or a higher power to help us, but also realizing our own personal responsibility in any situation. "We should pray for potatoes but also pick up the hoe," I said.

She approached my desk with sparkling eyes and a delightful smile. I was pleased when she said, "I finally did what you suggested and no longer live in that very destructive alcoholic home. A colleague and I found a one-room apartment that we could afford, and I feel like a new person. I realize God answered my prayer but I also had to participate."
The story of this young woman reveals a crucial element that prevails here in Russia: a belief that someone or something else will provide my needs.
Under the Soviet system, people were told to be patient and wait and the system would endow them with the basic necessities of life. But these citizens were to be submissive and not create any problems. They became dependent and trusted that the state would take care of them.
Nine years ago, I was introduced to a unique Russian term called "avos," which is applicable here. This word has several meanings that can be applied in numerous areas. Avos can be defined as hoping for something to happen without any endeavor on my part. Russiapedia says: "Avos is the habit of relying totally on chance, on good luck, on good fate in the hope that everything will turn out well, even if there is no reason for that to happen. It is to hope that negative consequences will somehow be avoided and things will sort themselves out."
When I first asked my students about avos, a young man jumped up and said, "Oh, that's our favorite word!"
My Russian students agree that while negative avos often is done innocently and with faith, it also can be rude, immature and irresponsible. It takes advantage of other people and encourages laziness. Individuals using avos in this manner do not consider the burden they create for others whom they expect to "magically" take care of the situation they have created.
These students now have committed to making major changes in their lives so that they are able to embrace the positive aspects of faith and trust while also becoming responsible, considerate adults.

Läs hela artikeln i Moscow Times här.

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