tisdag 21 maj 2013

Psykologen berättar....

Marilyn Murray skriver i Moscow Times om ryssarnas ibland svåra historia och barndom och hur hon arbetar för att förbättra deras psykologiska hälsa. Idag drar hon paraleller mellan USA och Ryssland och visar att även personer med en traumatisk barndom kan hitta en ljus framtid..

Utdrag ur artikeln om bl.a. Olga som tillbringade fyra år i isolering på ryskt sjukhus som barn...

The children were not allowed to cry or even to talk to each other because it would "disturb the nurses and doctors." She was turned occasionally but still developed painful bed sores. An aide shaved the heads of the children as it was easier to keep them clean and more convenient for the staff.
Olga remained strapped down for two years. Her parents were not allowed to visit and were told it would only upset their child more when they left. During this interminably long isolation, Olga said the only way she could entertain herself was to imagine stories about the dust balls on the floor. Her sole visitor was a kind lady who came about once a week and read to her.
As an adult, Olga married and has two children. She says she loves her family but admitted she was emotionally distant. She also was enmeshed with her mother and unable to set boundaries regarding her mother's incessant demands of her. Fortunately, Olga gradually became a healthy wife, mother and daughter.  
Although Earl and Olga live on separate continents, they genuinely had a desire to change, and with help, over time developed a new "baseline for normal" based upon love, nurture and respect.

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