tisdag 4 september 2012

Barn som lamnas att do och kvinnor som inte tas pa allvar

Las den skakande artikeln dar den duktiga och iakttagande psykologen Marilyn Murray berattar historier om ryska handikappade barn som lamnats for att do pa sjukhus i Ryssland. Otroligt hemskt att lasa om  - man tror inte sina ogon.... Finns verkligen mycket att ta itu med i skuggan av Sovjetunionens elitistiska och grymma tankande som det verkar fortfarande existerar idag.

Brist pa kvinnors rattigheter och hemska brott mot kvinnor som inte tas pa allvar av polis och myndigheter - ibland undrar man om vi lever pa samma planet... Har finns artikeln: Moscow Times.


Then, with a voice edged in fear, Olga began to tell her own story of sexual assault, which exacerbated her pain regarding their daughter's attack. At age 18, Olga had been excited about a new job in a nearby city, but one night after work as she walked home alone through a park, three men attacked her. They took her to a dacha on the edge of the forest where they took turns raping her for the next 24 hours. Then they drove her back to the park and dumped her.
She did not report the violence because she knew the police probably would do nothing to help her — perhaps only humiliate her and doubt her story. 

 Yet when they returned to the same hospital two years later with a third pregnancy, and the doctor once again told them that their baby had died and would not allow them to see their son, they began to protest and decided to investigate.
It took several years, but they eventually discovered that their last two baby boys had not died. They had been sold.
Many of my students told me how the Soviet government did not want to allow children who were mentally or physically defective to be born. Several shared that they were told they had to have an abortion when pregnancy exams revealed a fetus with an abnormality.

An older woman named Marina sobbed as she related that her first pregnancy was during a time and place when prenatal exams did not detect she was carrying a baby with Down syndrome.
When she gave birth to her little girl, the baby was immediately taken from her. This was — and still is — the custom in many Russian hospitals, where babies and mothers often are not united for two days. Finally, a doctor came in and told Marina that her baby had died shortly after birth. She insisted on seeing her daughter, but the doctor refused.
Late that night, she slipped out of her room and began searching the maternity ward. Much to her horror she found her dead baby girl — still warm to the touch. The infant had been placed on a table in a small dark room and allowed to die. All alone. Several people in our class told Marina they knew of other mothers whose babies with disfigurements or disabilities were set aside to die.
Two months later, Nadiya was an instructor on my teaching team for an advanced class. She had prepared a special video presentation to introduce her topic: the most essential human needs. As she taught about every child's innate need for unconditional love, a powerful photo filled the screen: a mother snuggling a beautiful baby with Down syndrome.
Nadiya then told the class the baby she was carrying would be like this child. She also tearfully shared they had chosen his name: Bogdan, "a gift from God."
This little boy now is almost 2 and even though he has had numerous medical problems, his family feels greatly blessed by his presence and knows he truly is a gift from God. They are great role models for authentic, unconditional love, and are an inspiration to all who know them.

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