tisdag 9 oktober 2012

Ryska skolan av i gar...

Marilyn Murray berattar vidare i Moscow Times om den ryska skolan av i gar i artikeln 'Using Shame and Humiliation on Schoolchildren'
Givetvis forstar vi alla att den ryska skolan nufortiden inte kan liknas med vad som pagick under Sovjettiden, man hoppas bara att dessa vanor inte sitter i for hart aven i dag.... Utdrag ur artikeln nedan..

Russian children were not allowed to ask questions or offer comments in class. When I first started to teach here 10 years ago, I often would ask the adult participants in my classes if they had any questions or comments. This was usually met by silence, which is certainly very different from U.S. classrooms. After several weeks of no response, I said: "It is OK to speak up. I really want to know what you are thinking." I let them know I regarded them as equals and it was beneficial for all of us if they participated. Now, this is no longer an issue.

They say their schools were highly politicized. They were taught that their first and most important commitment was to the Communist Party. Each day the best students from their Pioneer organization were chosen to stand next to the party banner for an hour without moving. Every school in the Soviet Union was required to have a pioneer on duty by that banner at all times.

Soviet propaganda was dispensed daily at school, where classes teaching military skills were obligatory. There often were rooms covered with large photos of dead bodies from the Vietnam War, with commentary that U.S. militarism and imperialism were to blame. The students were shown graphic images of war and death to instill fear starting at an early age. There were gatherings for certain military and political anniversaries where everyone was compelled to stand and listen to a special speaker. One psychologist said the things they spoke about and the pictures they displayed were so violent she fainted. She was 6.

The Soviet system also manipulated its citizens by constantly setting excessively high standards and quotas that often were unattainable for the average person. The system then degraded them for failing. This philosophy of "only the best is acceptable and all else is worthless" spilled over into the education system. Teachers emulated what was role-modeled by the Soviet leaders, and children became victims of this ruthless strategy.
Many of my students related stories of horrendous things being done to children where teachers were the instigators of verbal, emotional and physical abuse. The teacher, who should have been an example of how to treat others with respect, instead bullied, mocked and physically tormented children in front of the class. To make it even more horrific, this "educator" would then encourage the other children to join in this torment.
They also picked on children whose parents did not drink. Sober people were considered inferior. One of my teachers was like a terrorist — she had the other children throw food at me. She raged and called me a stupid girl. It caused tremendous pain."
A university professor told me: "While some teachers were kind, most of mine were very cruel. I went to a music conservatory and was never allowed time to relax or play. In addition to my studies, I also had to practice the piano six or eight hours every day for eight years. My piano teacher swore at me and told me he would take off his boots and throw them at me on stage if I did not perform perfectly. I still suffer physically and emotionally from this torment."
The tragedy is not only how these victims were abused, but that children were taught the correct way to interact with others is to praise those who excel and condemn those who do not. Many of my colleagues are sad to admit that in years past, they also followed this pattern of thinking and used shame and humiliation in their interaction with their children and many other people in their personal and professional lives. Today they value each human being for who he is, not for his actions.

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