Se längre ner om promenader du kan hänga med på när hon är här på besök den här
veckan! I morgon torsdag 6 oktober, kl 10.15, 'Morgonfika med Phoebe Taplin' på nya - I love cake - nytt amerikanskt cafe med muffins mm - promenad efterat!
Fantastiska Phoebe Taplin som tidigare bodde med sin familj i Moskva och gjorde oändligt antal promenader i Moskva med omnejd har nu kommit ut med en bok i samma ämne som hon kommer och exklusivt presenterar för oss. Vi får se bilder och får tips om underbara och okända sidor av Moskva. Boken kommer att finnas till försäljning.
Direkt efter fikastunden da vi ocksa far chans att stalla fragor etc sa tar Phoebe med de som vill pa en promead i omradet runt Patriarshy Pond.
Address: Cafe 'I love Cake', Bolshoi Patriarshy Pereulok 4, Metro: Pushkinskaya, Mayakovskaya.
Anmälning till Anna Gustafson Bril,

Thursday, 6th October - tomorrow afternoon's walk round 'Shekhtel's castles' will be a bit shorter and finish a bit earlier since I have to head to the American embassy... Leaving from outside the Starlite Diner (Mayakovskaya branch) very promptly at 1pm, we will finish by 2.30pm on Tverskoi Bulvar (near Tverskaya metro).
Friday 7th October - Two walks in the Pokrovsky area, both leaving from outside the Anglo-American school gates.
10am - a stroll through the forest (be prepared for mud!!) to enjoy the autumn leaves, springs and lakes, returing to AAS by about 11.15am (or you can leave half way through and head for Voikovskaya metro if you prefer)...
1.15pm - a woodland and urban hike passing Shukhinskaya metro where we will hop on a tram and hop off near Serebryany Bor... where there is an informal party.
Saturday 8th October -
11am - Meet in the Macdonalds in Alexandrovsky Gardens (on the edge of Okhotny Ryad shopping centre) for a stroll through the heart of town and Kitai Gorod, ending at Chisty Prudy metro around 1.30pm about 5km,medium.
3pm - Meet (near VDNKh metro) at the bottom of the soaring monument to the conqurors of space (silver rocket on a huge sweep of titanium). We will meet near the heads of the cosmonauts and stroll round the fabulous exhibition grounds for a couple of hours, returning to VDNKh metro around 5pm... about 4km, medium-slow.
If there is time I am hoping to travel back into town via the slow, but scenic route by monorail and trolleybus...
On saturday evening, don't forget there is a party at Jane and Patrick's flat (see delightful invitation below). Everyone is welcome, but please do bring a bottle or two and RSVP to
Sunday, 9th October - a hungover afternoon stroll around the riverside park at the northern river station. Meet at 2pm outside Rechnoi Vokzal metro (north end of the green line). Take the exit nearest the back of the train. Finishing back at the metro around 4pm... about 4km, slow.
See you soon!
veckan! I morgon torsdag 6 oktober, kl 10.15, 'Morgonfika med Phoebe Taplin' på nya - I love cake - nytt amerikanskt cafe med muffins mm - promenad efterat!
Direkt efter fikastunden da vi ocksa far chans att stalla fragor etc sa tar Phoebe med de som vill pa en promead i omradet runt Patriarshy Pond.
Address: Cafe 'I love Cake', Bolshoi Patriarshy Pereulok 4, Metro: Pushkinskaya, Mayakovskaya.
Anmälning till Anna Gustafson Bril,
Thursday, 6th October - tomorrow afternoon's walk round 'Shekhtel's castles' will be a bit shorter and finish a bit earlier since I have to head to the American embassy... Leaving from outside the Starlite Diner (Mayakovskaya branch) very promptly at 1pm, we will finish by 2.30pm on Tverskoi Bulvar (near Tverskaya metro).
Friday 7th October - Two walks in the Pokrovsky area, both leaving from outside the Anglo-American school gates.
10am - a stroll through the forest (be prepared for mud!!) to enjoy the autumn leaves, springs and lakes, returing to AAS by about 11.15am (or you can leave half way through and head for Voikovskaya metro if you prefer)...
1.15pm - a woodland and urban hike passing Shukhinskaya metro where we will hop on a tram and hop off near Serebryany Bor... where there is an informal party.
Saturday 8th October -
11am - Meet in the Macdonalds in Alexandrovsky Gardens (on the edge of Okhotny Ryad shopping centre) for a stroll through the heart of town and Kitai Gorod, ending at Chisty Prudy metro around 1.30pm about 5km,medium.
3pm - Meet (near VDNKh metro) at the bottom of the soaring monument to the conqurors of space (silver rocket on a huge sweep of titanium). We will meet near the heads of the cosmonauts and stroll round the fabulous exhibition grounds for a couple of hours, returning to VDNKh metro around 5pm... about 4km, medium-slow.
If there is time I am hoping to travel back into town via the slow, but scenic route by monorail and trolleybus...
On saturday evening, don't forget there is a party at Jane and Patrick's flat (see delightful invitation below). Everyone is welcome, but please do bring a bottle or two and RSVP to
Sunday, 9th October - a hungover afternoon stroll around the riverside park at the northern river station. Meet at 2pm outside Rechnoi Vokzal metro (north end of the green line). Take the exit nearest the back of the train. Finishing back at the metro around 4pm... about 4km, slow.
See you soon!
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